Principal Lysaght’s Weekly Letter

Dear Brown MS Community,

Today we honored our graduating 8th graders in our annual ceremony. We were lucky enough to be able to use the Newton South HS field house as an air-conditioned venue during this heatwave. It was wonderful to see families cheering on their graduates. Our student speakers, Darion Hung, Jay Liu and Bessie Madden, were articulate and reflective about what these past three years have meant to them and how much they have grown. In my remarks (included below) I mentioned that the days are long, but the years are short. Educators feel this acutely at this time of year. We are always happy to see students achieve their goals and leave us for bigger and better things, yet saying goodbye at the end is bittersweet. We wish our graduates a wonderful future and hope they come back share their successes.

Luckily, we still have our current 6th and 7th graders to hold onto! We also look forward to welcoming our newest “Brown Bears” in the fall as they become our next cohort of 6th graders. We will welcome our incoming 6th graders and their families on Thursday, August 29 from 9:00-10:00AM to visit Brown with their caregivers. Information for all families regarding team placement for next year and school opening information will be share the afternoon of August 23.

We still have two and a half more days of school next week, and we realize there are some students and families that have camp commitments or trips that could not be rescheduled. If you have not informed the school that your child will be out next week, please do so using our absence form at the bottom of this newsletter. I will share one more weekly update next week before we say a final goodbye for the summer. Wishing you a weekend that allows you to get away from the heat!


Kim Lysaght