Principal Lysaght’s Weekly Letter

Dear Brown MS Community,

Our first week of school was simply a pleasure! Students were eager and excited as they met their new teachers and learned their schedules. The initial butterflies in the stomachs for students (and adults) are now gone and we are on our way! Teachers spend the first weeks of school getting to know their students and building routines in the classroom that help students build confidence and independence (see pictures below). You know your child best, and Teams will be reaching out to families in the coming weeks with a survey where you can share information about your child that will help us to partner with you for a successful year. I want to send a big THANK YOU out to all of the faculty and staff at Brown MS for making the start of this school year smooth and positive for our students. The smiles they displayed this week say it all!

Speaking of thank you, I want to send our gratitude to PTO Teacher Appreciation Chair Deb Kuronen and her committee for providing a wonderful breakfast spread for the faculty this past Thursday morning. (See photo here.) I know how much that meant to the teachers to have a cup of coffee and something yummy to eat as they prepared for the arrival of students.

At the Lysaght household, it is pretty quiet with both of my kids back at college. We do hear from them via text and sometimes phone (mostly when they need something), but overall they are living independently and navigating well (or so they tell me…). I truly do miss them each day (you never stop thinking about your children!) and I also rejoice in an organized kitchen and laundry room. My husband and I are discovering that we now have no one to blame but ourselves when things are broken, messy or misplaced – it is a bit humbling.

Please read through this newsletter to stay up to date on everything happening at our busy and happy school. I hope you enjoy the weekend – could be a good one for apple picking!


Kim Lysaght, Principal